$14 Million Value
Irresistible, insanely valuable offer:
Microsoft invested $14 million on a Super Bowl commercial to say something they felt was important: You are a hero who can start a business, get your education, build something new, and change the world! You’re also not too old to learn something new:)
How can you do it? With Copilot: an everyday AI companion that opens up possibilities for you.
AI for anyone, anywhere, on any device.
That alliteration is catchy but it also reveals tremendous value. Anyone can access the power of AI anytime.
When you add value to people’s lives, they respond. The commercial already has close to 17 million views the Tuesday following the Super Bowl. If each view was worth $1, then Mircrosoft already made $3 million back.
A subscription to Copilot is like $20/mo. If only 1% of people purchased a subscription, it would take Microsoft roughly 5 months to recoup their $14 million investment.
Value added is value returned.
This is why it is essential to highlight for your prospective customers or clients a unique value proposition with your offer.
Do you need help creating an irresisbible, insanely valuable offer that resonates with your audience? Tell me about you!